It has been a long time from the last time I wrote something here. Today it’s exactly 160 days I’m staying here in Norway. Less that 2 weeks I will go back to Russia and I will close the book on memories here in Tromsø and for sure I will miss it. I never expected before I would come here and stay in the happiest country based on world happiness report 2017. I remember how I started to think about living here because some of my friends have been here before and They said it is so worthed to live in Norway. I have been to Norway before several times and I do agree. I was never disappointed during my visit time in Norway before. So in February 2016 when The Barest Plus Scholarship opened the recruitment I applied with finger cross. I remember I didn’t have any instruments to stay in Norway for example money for visa or deposit. Just be brave even though the Barents Plus Scholarship is not fully funded.

         In May 2016 I got the news that I was accepted and need to wait my Invitation letter, which would arrive about November. But It happened so quick for me to get the visa I didn’t need to pay the deposit for my student visa and my elder brother just got a good job in Russian Company in Jakarta and He gave me enough source to manage my study visa. After 4 days my visa came to my hand in early days of December at that moment I was afraid that would be a problem during Christmas holiday. Everything was unexpected fast for me.

       5th January 2017 It was the day that I was waiting for 6 months. The day when I flew from Arkhangelsk, Russia to Oslo, Norway. I was counting the days until that day came. Because several months before I got so depressed with my life in Russia. I did not get what I expected before with university life. So I wanted new life in new place that was Tromsø. I left everything that I had in Russia such friends, loyalty and much more for a new place that I heard from another people is a good place. It was – 40c at that day my Indonesian friends accompanied me to the airport and we hugged each other see you in June I said.

        In Moscow 8 hours and the plane brought me to Oslo. With a friend, we arrived in Oslo and we said here was much warmer than in Arkhangelsk. We spent  5 days in Fredrikstad for an Annual Meeting and after that, my friend flew back to Arkhangelsk and I went to Tromsø alone. Arrived in Tromsø got my flat key and I was waiting for the bus and everything was absolutely dark at 1 pm and the snow was running so fast. I was afraid, even though I have been here 2 years before, the darkness here made me feel more lonely to carry my suitcase to my flat. My new room for next 5 months. I was alone in a house with 6 rooms. I didn’t see anybody besides a lot of cleaning lists on the wall. I remember I arrived on 9th of January and the semester starts on 11th January.

       The first day of the debut week. I thought it was the most positive impression because I met a lot of new people from other countries and try to make friends with them. We had a lot of introduction the university tour and much more. In the end of the debut week, we had a party with all International students in our university. I just felt something that I’ve never felt in my home university in Russia. Here is more International and the party was much fun than what we did in my home university. I realized how should be the university life looked like and it looked the same like in the movies that I was watching about the college life.

      The first month was so fun here parties every weekend. Skiing time, cooking together from dumpster stuff and much more It was the happiest part of living here was the first month. Day by day, week by week and I felt my study here was much harder than in Russia. The reason was absolutely different and I do admit it was my mistake because I was still doing my study strategy here like in Russia but study here was much different that in Russia. Even though here study in English which I can understand better than Russian. My classmates, here they are really fond with the subject. I am fond of this subject but It was still hard for me to reach them. The only subject here that I think that I was better that the other only Norwegian. Maybe that is already the sign that I am not going to be a marine biologist. I tried the best effort but It is not just my luck.

    I felt so exhausted with my study here because I couldn’t make it also  I miss my friends in Russia. When someone told me to go to Russia to be an Interpreter even though I had classes and lab but I took that opportunity and I didn’t regret it. I was happy among positive people talking about the themes that I really like Permaculture, eco-village, and community.  We danced in Vechora and sang Russian songs. I found that happiness is so simple around these people in a simple village. I filled the empty soul with the laugh of people and I just recognize friends are the family that you can choose. Even though you can choose them not all of them also want to choose you as their family part. We spent some hours in Riga, Latvia. I’ve never been there but I really like the city. One of my dreams was to visit one of the Baltic countries and it just happened in March 2017.

    After the warm smile in a Russian village, I was sick and I went to the cruise for one week in Lofoten. It was nice and learn a lot from that cruise. I’ve been to such cruise before but for sure This cruise in Lofoten was the best one. In the last day, we saw the northern light and the last time I was the northern light here on 1st of April 2017.

   2 days after the cruise I flew to Germany to Frankfurt to visit my grandma. I’ve never met her for 7 years and finally, I met her. In this moment I just feel that I came to believe what I suppose to believe and I feel so calm when I go to church every day. I visit my Uncle in Freiburg and I did my first ever Europe trip in My life alone and I didn’t receive any money from my parents. I financed my tour by myself. I visit France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Germany. I saw everything that I was wondering to see the Eiffel tower and the city of Amsterdam and so many places. At that moment I was so Happy to see these places in my age 22 years old. It never passed in my mind before to visit those places for a person from a middle-class family from Indonesia. My parents said to let my eyes be also their eyes to see the world. 22 days in Europe tour it was quite a long time.

    After 5 months here I knew new things in my life and all the comfort ness in here are not the guaranty can make my life happy. I still need people who can support me and want be my friends when I am happy but also when I am in the lowest condition in my life. So far The people that I can say “friends” they live in the place called Arkhangelsk and I miss them a lot. I want to spend time with them do fun activities together. The one that also makes me happy while living here is the food in Norway so many foods that so common in Indonesia so I really enjoy the Norwegian Food. I love the nature in Norway. I love the transparent system here. I love that people also hear your opinion here. I love people are all equal in Norway. I think I need more time to find good friends here.

   In 2 weeks I will be in Arkhangelsk. I never though before that I really want to come back to Russia with this feeling to come back. In my mind oh still 2 weeks what can I make it faster? I want to hug them and talk with them in Russia. Thank you, Tromsø for 5 unforgettable months. I learn much here not only learn the scientific things but also about life. I recognized a lot of things that I should do more. I realized to be an eco-activist is the path of my life. It makes me more alive to arrange street actions or make eco events and Aetas is my second home to make my happy activities every day.  I understand happiness is not the inanimate objects. Happiness is a living feeling. The feel that you can share.

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