Have you ever imagine When You live far from your motherland.  Live in the new place that everything totally different for you. Yeah It’s not an easy decision. Even Though, we are human or we are one species (Homo sapiens) but we are different each other. The differences situation of living place, people get adapted with their place of living. Some scientists says that is why there is pluralisation between culture.

               Live in the new place is really hard without family. Yeah it’s not hard but not simple as well, but when you live as foreigner, you more understand how wonderful in your own land.  Culture shock is not really disturbing my own daily life but the hardest one as a foreigner is language barrier. If you live in not English speaker country.

               As fluent you’re in foreign language, but speak in your native language is the most comfortable way in communication. Regardless you’re everyday speak with the native speaker of that language but the language is not yours.  How ever A foreigner couldn’t speak the same way  like native speaker.

              Sometime be a foreigner can bring many benefits for you. The locals will tread you differently and it might be more nice how they tread you than another. Some groups of locals also get more interesting with your tradition in your home country. They’re welling to hear interesting story of the different way of living in your homeland.

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